When I initially found out I was having surgery, I was all about awareness and I was super emotional. Once the tumor was removed I was so different. I didn't wanna talk about it anymore. I didn't wanna answer questions. I just wanted to forget about it and move on with a normal life! Well, I'm back to spreading the word.
Yesterday at my appointment I didn't have to get drained, although now that doesn't seem so bad! Because my tumor is so rare, it's not graded like other cancers that are Stage 1, 2, 3, or 4; mine was graded "low-grade malignant" which means more scans and a partial mastectomy to remove more breast tissue/margins around where my lump was to ensure EVERY foreign cell is removed. DAMN! I'll be even more deformed after the second surgery and I soooo thought it was all over! Of course I balled on the way home.
This tumor is quite rare and makes up only 1% of all breast tumors/cancers - I'm officially a case study. Kinda cool. Once I have my next surgery I will have frequent scans to make sure nothing has returned. There is no cure for this yet and again chemo, radiation, and medication don't work on this thing. Since my Phyllodes Tumor is infamous for returning, we will discuss removing my entire breast (total mastectomy) if it comes back. I'm not really down with that, but I will deal with it later.
I was supposed to be back to work August 23, but now I won't be returning until mid-September sometime. While this is stressful at times and puts a strain on me financially, I get an occasional kick in the butt from my friends who remind me that my health takes precedence over any money or job. So I will keep my chin up and look on the bright side of not having to work out in the Las Vegas heat this summer! Hollaaaaa...
I've been wanting to move to San Diego since I was a teenager and decided a couple of months ago to stop talking and take action. I got rid of my 4 bedroom house and put ALL of my things in storage, with the exception of my clothes and Roxy G. I moved in with a childhood friend of mine in an attempt to save money. Soon I could finally move to my dream city because for once in my life I wasn't involved in a relationship, which is what always trapped me in Vegas. Shortly after this I ended up on medical leave. I'm living proof that things happen for a reason. If I had to deal with this while still in my house, I have no clue what I would have done financially. My wonderful friend Carly provided me with this roof over my head while I got my health straightened out. Everything has fallen right into place since my diagnosis.
I truly believe Phyllodes was given to me as a gift, that I was hand-picked for this one. I've had such great support and resources to get me through. I've met such wonderful Phyllodes friends who know just what to say when I'm completely discouraged. I've been asked several times how is it that I constantly smile and stay in a happy mood? It's only because I make a conscious decision to do so. So many other women have gone through way more than I have with doctors who had no clue what a Phyllodes tumor even was or insurance companies refusing to pay for their mammograms because they were "too young" to need one. I'm truly fortunate and will take advantage of this tumor by telling EVERYONE about it and setting a positive example. I will show people how important early detection is and help people realize that no one is exempt. This is why this tumor was handed to me special delivery style!
PLEASE CHECK YOURSELVES as I leave you with a pic of my tumor that took up such a large space in my breast...3.8cm in February to 7.2cm in July when it was removed...my next surgery is Monday, August 24, 2009.
Sorry to hear this has turned into more of an ordeal than originally thought. It seems tho that your ontop of things and trying to stay positive which is all anyone can do or ask of you. Sending positive vibes your way, and if you have so much time off an need a change of scene you can make a trip back to San Francisco :) I have THE most comfy aerobed known to family/friends ;)
Thanks BG, you're awesome!